Speak of the classic color of fashionable circle, must want to count black and white ash
But classic! The most good-looking! Best for girls! Best of all! It must be white
White single breed most feminine of ~ must be small skirt
Small white skirt is good build again good-looking, it is the sort of all things that is fashionable class but skirt is so much kind, how to choose is the most suit oneself
The skirt of condole belt is in a few years how hot need not I say you also know of ~ everyday wear languid lazy along sex, vacation wear romance sex appeal! The quality of the silk fabric can make the slip dress look more advanced! Silk condole belt skirt is worn alone or tie-in shawl, appear to have gas field again have feminine flavour again, but quality of a material is more close-fitting, the pony that has small belly first detours a way to look downward temporarily